Cullen's Birthday
Cullen had a birthday! I can't believe he's 5 years old (which he will tell you without hesitation). He's growing up so fast! Cullen is my sweet, mischievous one. He seems to always be thinking of others (siblings included). He loves to help me bake and cook. And I'm even nice enough to share the batter with him now.
On all my kids' birthdays, I attempt (attempt being the key word!) to photograph a Day in the Life. This way as they get older, they an always look back and see how they spent each birthday. This year's day in the life for Cullen was a little hectic, but I did my best. I didn't capture everything (aka Tae Kwon Do class), but I did manage to get all the important stuff.
Cullen told me exactly how old he was (with both hands) when he woke up at 6am!
Cullen and Jackson showing how old they are together.
Cullen helping me back chocolate chip muffins (as per his request).
I always put one candle in their breakfasts to start their birthday with a little something special.
Scootering around on the driveway.
More scooter.
Lunch time with his request of chicken nuggets (his favorite).
Blowing out his 5 candle on his cupcake.