Let me show you how I do it...
Because I have four kids, I'm often asked, "How do you do it?"
Before I answer this honestly, I want to get something cleared up. I have bad days like everyone does. At least twice last week, I broke down crying because I was overwhelmed. I'm not super mom by any means. No one is. I do what I have to do for my kids. There are days I just want to stay in bed and sleep, but a little person comes in yelling 'Mommy!' at 5:45am puts an end to those fantasies quickly.
I don't want to clean or cook or do laundry more than half the time. They get done because having children go to school naked is frowned upon. I can't count the number of times I threw dinner together last minute because I forgot to plan it or was just to busy to think about food. Yet some little two legged creature started complaining he was hungry, so I dragged myself to the kitchen and threw a meal together.
I also go throw off some of my aggression and bad days at a Tae Kwon Do class or my punching bag in the garage. Spending 30 minutes hitting something really does relieve stress. I highly recommend it!
For all those other days where none of the above is possible, I take solace in a fully stocked liquor and wine cabinet or beer fridge. Cheers!