Great places to find Bluebonnets in Round Rock

It's that time of year again!!

Texas Bluebonnet and wildflower season arrive early in Round Rock and Central Texas!  And they are gorgeous again this year!

What does bluebonnet season mean?  It means Texans and non-Texans alike are in search of a great patch of bluebonnets to see, take photos of,  and get photographed in.

I've been out and about with my own kids the past two weeks, and I've come across a few nice patches of bluebonnets in Round Rock that I wanted to share with you.

Before getting into where some where the bluebonnets in Round Rock are, I want to make a small disclaimer.  Not all of these are parks and public property.  Even if there are not any buildings in a field, the field is still owned by someone and considered private property, so please be aware of where you go and what you're allowed to do.  And please, don't park your car in the road with your hazards on just so you can take some photos the bluebonnets.  I nearly hit a car last year parked in the right hand lane of a Forest Creek Drive because they set up photos in a field nearby.  It's not safe.  It's not only a hazard to you, but a hazard to other drivers and people trying to get by.  Be safe everyone and enjoy the bluebonnets and wildflowers!

Great places to find Bluebonnets in Round Rock:

  1. Off of Sam Bass Rd.  There are some great patches of bluebonnets and other wildflowers around.
  2. Teravista Community.  There have been reports of nice wildflowers, including bluebonnets, patches within the community.  There has also been rumors of a great bluebonnet field off of Westinghouse Rd.  I personally haven't seen it, but it might be worth checking out if you're on the North side of Round Rock.
  3. At Dell on 1 Dell Way.  Warning!  This is private property owned and operated by Dell.  You may be asked to leave if security sees you, but it's worth driving by to see the bluebonnets. 
  4. Old Settler's Park in Round Rock.  There's an empty field off the back entrance of Old Settler's by the baseball fields.  Enter the park via Red Bud Lane, and you won't miss it!  There's not only bluebonnets but also Indian paint brush.
  5. Clay Madsen Recreation Center.  To the right (of left if you're facing CMRC), there's a couple of thick patches of bluebonnets by the small creek.
  6. Empty field on Kenney Fort Dr. and Forest Creek Dr.  There are a few patches of bluebonnets.  This is private property and there's no readily available parking.  However, you can walk by or use the Brushy Creek Trail to reach it if you don't mind a walk or a bike ride.
  7. There's an empty field off of Gattis School Rd and Joyce Lane at the entrance of the Enclave at Town Centre neighborhood entrance.  The field has a lot of bluebonnets and other wildflowers.
  8. Field in front of Cedar Ridge High School has some beautiful patches of bluebonnets as well! (Thanks for the reminder Kelly Colson!)

Do you know of any other great places for bluebonnets this year?
List them in the comments so I can add it on to the list!

Go enjoy the beautiful, early Texas Bluebonnet season!