Stop at Lake Pflugerville

Last week, I took the two littles over to Lake Pflugerville.  They love the water and throwing rocks into it.  I wanted to break up the monotony of going to a park to play.

What I didn't expect were the loud group of ducks waiting for us.  The ducks are accustomed to people but expect food from people.  And I was not prepared to feed ducks on my impromptu stop at the lake.

After weeks of rain, the ground by the edge of the lake was still quite muddy.  I was taking photos while running after one child or the other to keep them from becoming stuck and falling down into the mud.  Such fun parenting times!!

A sweet older gentleman stopped by the lake to feed the ducks.  He saw the kids and myself and decided to bring his bag of bread over to my littles allowing them to feed the ducks.  Such kindness is not always around these days, and it was very much appreciated by myself and my children. 

The kids had so much fun feeding the ducks!  I've promised to take them back to feed the ducks.  I'm putting it on my to do list now so I don't forget about it.

Here's a small share of documentary photos I took while at Lake Pflugerville and of the kids feeding the ducks.