When is the best time to have a Spring Photo Session?
It’s not quite spring yet in Texas, but I’m writing this when it’s 82 degree outside. It might not be spring but it definitely feels like spring!
So when is the best time to have a spring photo shoot in Central Texas?
Well… it depends.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in central Texas, the weather dictates when the best time for spring photos will be. If spring comes early, the end of February and beginning of March is a great time. The plants and trees will start budding, and outside will come alive again. If spring comes late, then it’s best to wait until late March and April.
The weather does what it wants to around the Austin and Round Rock area! We’re just all at the mercy of it!
Bluebonnets typically bloom around mid-March through April. They have about a 4-6 week life span, but peak in about the 3rd to 4th week. You’ll see them everywhere!
So unfortunately, I don’t have a direct answer to give you. The whole ‘it depends on the weather’ rains true (definite pun intended!).
If you’d like to book a spring photo session, email me at emily@emilyingallsphotography.com or use my Contact Form.