Easy Ways to Prepare for your Newborn Photo Session
Newborn photo sessions are one of my favorite photo sessions to do! I love seeing cute, little babies! My kids are al in double digits, so I’m far removed from the newborn and baby stage, so being able to photography newborns is quite a delight.
If you’re a new parent, the newborn stage is overwhelming, and everything you’re doing is brand new. From a new schedule, to feeding times, to lack of sleep, it can take a toll on you. And for seasoned parents, you know what to expect, but it’s still hard! Each kid is different, and just cause your first baby was one way doesn’t mean your second or third or fourth is going to be the same. Plus, lack of sleep makes everyone’s brain foggy!
Here are a few tips and tricks to prepare for your newborn photo session.
Pick up and clean only the rooms you think you want photographs taken in. I always say clean like you are having company over. Just pick up the clutter,; there’s no need to deep clean. The typical rooms I shoot in are the nursery, master bedroom, and family room.
Keep your house a few degrees warmer than normal. Newborns get cold easily. A cold newborn is an unhappy, fussy newborn. Warming the house up a few degrees will keep everyone toasty warm and your baby happy.
A full stomach usually makes a sleep, content newborn. Although this is not an exact science, feeding your newborn right before the photo session will make them tired and sleepy.
Limit outfit changes. I’m happy to photograph as many outfits as you want, but I’ve learned the more outfit changes you have, the fussier your baby is going to get. I would keep this in my mind when choosing outfits for your photo shoot.
Relax! It’s all going to be ok! I’ve had the fussiest of babies photo shoots turn out beautifully. I have a few tricks up my sleeve. And if your newborn isn’t sleepy, it’s ok! I’ve had many beautiful photos of newborns with their eyes open. Don’t stress over the small stuff; it’ll turn out just fine.
Are you ready to book your newborn photo session? Email me at emily@emilyingallsphotography.com or fill out my Contact Form. I can’t wait to hear from you!